Chapter One :Chapter 1

League Rule 2

One must never seduce another member's sister. Should this rule be broken, the member whose sister was seduced has the right to demand satisfaction.

Excerpt from The Quizzing Glass Gazette, September 30, 1820, The Lady Society Column:

Lady Society has turned her eye this week to one of London's most notorious paramours, the Marquess of Rochester. Member of the infamous League of Rogues, the marquess is rumored by ladies of the ton as a fiery—haired devil capable of shocking delights behind closed doors.

It has come to Lady Society's attention that no lady has held Rochester's interest for long. Does he secretly pine for someone of good breeding and good sense, perhaps?

Lady Society would like to learn the answer to this most fascinating question. Perhaps Rochester indulges himself to ease the pangs of unrequited love for some mystery woman. Should one hazard a guess as to the unlucky—or perhaps lucky—maiden who has stolen our dark marquess's heart?

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